

The basic idea behind the construction of a “paintwork” is to take the traditional elements of a painting –wood, canvas, paint, hardware– which are most often hidden behind the spatial illusions of a painting, and make them obvious and essential to the final product. Pictorial elements remain, but there is no denying the components from which it is made.

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ApSE series (5 of 10)


A significant influence on the creation of the two series of paintwork was the partial collapse of the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy during a 1997 earthquake. Several magnificent frescoes by Cimabue and Giotto crashed to the sanctuary floor, shattering into rubble. To look at the fragments, even in a state of devastation, was still a moving experience, perhaps more so because of the tragedy. There are ten paintwork in the Apse series and four in the Vault series.

$1000 (each)
